Colors are lights of different wavelength. Our subconscious mind and emotions are subtly linked to colors around us. Nice bright colors bring pleasure and positive energy. Some colors have a calming effect while some colors are rejuvenating.

Different colors have different vibration and represent different meaning. In color therapy, colors are used to encourage positive emotions, behavior, or to assist in realization of dreams.
Healing Through Color

Color healing is an ancient science using colors to restore the body to the frequency of health and harmony. The history of color healing dates back thousands of years ago in India, Egypt and China. In the Hindu culture, colors are used to balance the Chakras or energy centers.

Color therapy or Chromotherapy is healing which base on the belief that the human body has energy fields called Chakras that relates to different colors. The body is healthy when the energy is circulating freely and distributing well. When there is access or deficiency of energy, the body is experiencing imbalances in health or emotions. Color is a form of energy and can be used to restore and improve balances. Color therapists use light and color to energize areas of our body or emotions that are weak or out of balance. Visualization, crystals, gemstones, lights and suggestions are commonly used in the process to activate mind activities to bring the desired outcome.

Colors And Its Representation


Red is the color for passion, action, courage, power, will and vitality. In the Chinese culture, red represents good luck and prosperity. Red can trigger a sense of power, sexuality and appetite. In the chakra system, red is the color for balancing the Root Chakra, the energy centre for survival.

Use the color red to :
  • Increase enthusiasm, interest and action

  • Bring confidence and will power

  • Inspire passion

  • Get noticed

  • Red gemstone : Ruby, Red jasper, Bloodstone, Red coral, Red calcite, Garnet.


    Orange is a color for affection, intelligence, confidence and creativity. Orange is useful in creating a lively, cheerful, exuberant effect. In the Chakra System, orange is the color for balancing the Abdominal Chakra, the energy centre for creativity and sexuality.

    Use the color orange to:
  • Increase creativity or mental quickness

  • Increase involvement in things

  • Spice things up and have some fun

  • Bring optimism and confidence

  • Create a welcoming atmosphere

  • Encourage conversation

  • Orange gemstone: Amber, Carnelian, Citrine, Orange calcite, Orange sunstone, Orange Agate.


    Yellow is a color for the mind and symbolizes wisdom. Yellow brings the energy of intelligence, consistency, abundance, prosperity and glory. Yellow enhances concentration and therefore is a good color for the study. In the Chakra system, yellow is the color for balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra, the energy centre for personal power and drive

    Use the color yellow to:
  • Focus the mind or increase mental activity

  • Focus and sharpen the thinking ability

  • Increase concentration and memory

  • Increase clarity and awareness

  • Promote ability to express yourself

  • Yellow gemstone: Amber, Citrine, Yellow Tourmaline, Tiger Eyes, Gold calcite, Honey calcite, Yellow Topaz

    Green represents nature, life, abundance, joy and healing. It brings the energy of youth, growth, hope and new life. Green provides a relaxing and calming effect. In the Chakra system, green is the color for balancing the heart chakra, the energy centre for love and compassion.

    Use the color green to:
  • Bring harmony and peace

  • Stimulate growth or change

  • Attract prosperity and wealth

  • Increase tolerance

  • Encourage patience and compassion

  • Green gemstone: Aventurine, Emerald, Malachite, Jade, Peridot, Green calcite, green Tourmaline


    Blue is a cool color and it is the color of the sky and the sea.Blue represents hope, loyalty, fidelity, truth, devotion, calmness and sincerity. It is a color for meditation and spiritual expansion, tranquility, patience and acceptance. In the Chakra System, blue is the color for balancing the Throat Chakra, the energy centre for communication.

    Use the color blue to:
  • Improve the flow of communication

  • Create a peaceful environment

  • Bring stability

  • Calm down

  • Broaden the perspective

  • Bring a sense of freedom

  • Enhance the professional image

  • Blue gemstone: Aquamarine, Kyanite, Sapphire, Blue Topaz, Blue Quartz, Blue Calcite, Blue Aventurine, Opal, Lapis lazuli, Turquoise


    Indigo is the color of royalty, justice, psychic and spirituality. It provides the energy of strength, determination and reliance. Indigo is also a color that is associated with deeper thoughts and intuition. In the Chakra system, indigo is the color for balancing the Third Eye Chakra, the energy centre for intuition, imagination and insights.

    Use the color indigo to:
  • Develop intuition

  • Increase perspective to a situation or issue

  • Promote connectivity to cosmic knowledge

  • Be in touch with your inner voice

  • Indigo gemstone: Amethyst , Azurite, Sapphire, Quartz Crystal, Lapis Lazuli


    Violet represents loyalty and loving devotion. It is good for meditation and spiritual healing. In the Chakra system, violet is the color for balancing the Crown Chakra, the energy centre for spirituality.

    Use violet to:
  • Increase clarity and purpose

  • Promote imagination and inspiration

  • Increase balance in your life

  • To calm the mind and body

  • Violet gemstone: Azurite, Amethyst, Purple Florite, Quartz Crystal, Sugilite.

    Brown is an earthy color and it represents honesty, straightforwardness and dependability. It is a color that creates a warm and comforting feeling.

    Use the color brown to:
  • Connect with nature

  • Bring orderliness

  • Create a rich, wholesome environment

  • Bring a “down to earth” feeling

  • Brown gemstone: Agate, Bronzite, Tiger Eye,Jasper,Amber


    White is the presence of all colors and symbolizes purity and goodness. In the Chakra system, white is the color for balancing the Crown Chakra, the energy centre for spirituality.

    Use the color white to:

  • Clear clutter

  • Purify thinking or actions

  • Increase clarity of thoughts

  • Create spaciousness

  • White gemstone: Clear quartz, White Topaz, White calcite, Opalite, white opal


    Pink is a soothing and nurturing color. It helps to invoke unconditional love. Pink is also a complementary color to balance the heart chakra, the energy centre for love and compassion.

    Use the color pink to:
  • Promote love and compassion

  • Have a soft welcoming effect

  • Encourage acceptance

  • Pink gemstone: Pink opal, Rose quartz, Pink tourmaline, Petalite, Pink Halite


    Black is the absence of color but it can also have an overpowering effect. Black crystal typically is used for protection against evil and destruction. Black is also elegant and classy and is usually worn in formal occasion.

    Use the color black to:
  • Create formality

  • Create a sense of power and inner strength

  • Make a bold statement

  • Symbolize self- control

  • Gemstone: Onyx, black tourmaline, Obsidian